Category Archives: News

Fr. Fred’s Triduum Reflections

Dear Parishioners,

Even though we will not be together for the Sacred Triduum, let us enter into this most sacred season with the help of some beautiful meditation hymns for each day. I would like to share with you my favorite songs for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. I hope they assist you, in this small way, to experience the profound meaning of our Lord’s merciful and redemptive love for us.

May I also offer a prayerful reminder to participate in the Sacred Triduum on the religious television stations that will broadcast the ceremonies on each day. Please tune into NET-TV (Spectrum 97, Verizon 48, Optimum 30) or EWTN (Spectrum 460, Verizon 285, DirectTV 370) or Catholic Faith Network (from the Rockville Centre Diocese, Spectrum 471, Verizon 296, Optimum 137).

With prayerful wishes,
Fr. Fred

“He took a towel and tied it around His waist. Then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel…” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John) We give thanks today for the gifts of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders (Deacon, Priest and Bishop).

Today, in addition to the meditation hymn, I have included The Litany of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Bishop DiMarzio has asked all the Faithful of the Diocese of Brooklyn to pray this powerful prayer for an end to the corona virus pandemic at 12 noon.

The Litany of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

“So they took Jesus, and, carrying the cross Himself, he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgatha. There, they crucified Him, and with Him two others, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle.” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John)

Today we pray for an appreciation of and greater desire for the gift of SILENCE in our lives, where we can lovingly encounter the resting and silent Jesus. “They took the Body of Jesus and bound it with burial cloths along with the spices…for the tomb was close by.” (From the Holy Gospel according to St. John)

Message from Father Fred (4/4/2020)

Dearest Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish…

Greetings from Fr. Fullum, Deacon Peter, the Sisters of the Convent and myself! Hoping you and your families are safe, healthy, and serene during this incredible and anxious time in our lives. May I extend on behalf of us all our sincerest sympathy, prayers, and support now and always if you have lost a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker to the Corona Virus. Eternal rest grant onto them O Lord… Also, our thoughts and prayers for strength and peace to all who are suffering in so many ways because of it as well.

Soon after the Bishop appointed me as pastor of Sacred Heart in November 2016, but before I moved into the rectory in January 2017, I came to visit Sacred Heart for an hour. During that visit, I met the rectory staff (first Fr. Fullum!), Deacon Peter, the Academy Staff, the maintenance staff, the Sisters in the Convent, and Nancy Baer in the Parish Ministry Office. Finally, I made a prayerful visit to the Church. It was a memorable experience, meeting everyone and spending that time in the place I would soon call “home.” Everyone was so supportive and encouraging! But, of all the memories I have of that wonderful day, the memory that made the most profound impact upon me was reading the inscription carved into the stone column that supports the Blessed Mother statue on the rectory lawn. Blessed Mother It reads, “Comforter of the Afflicted, Pray for Us.” I knew that particular title of Mary was found in her ancient and beautiful “Litany of Loreto,” in Latin, “Consolatrix Afflictorum, Ora pro nobis.” I did not know (and still don’t) why that title of Mary was chosen for our Parish all those year’s ago. I wondered why Monsignor Sherman, as the founding Pastor, asked for that title to be placed under that statue? Maybe he and the founding parishioners in 1929 were experiencing the overwhelming economic hardships of the Great Depression, not unlike the present catastrophic effects of the Corona Virus on our own economy and lives. So… for over 90 years that inscription has lovingly proclaimed for all who pass the rectory, that in every age WE are the “afflicted,” and that our Blessed Mother’s comforting embrace will bring us to Jesus who says, “Come to me all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest,” which is the inscription carved under the Sacred Heart statue in the Prayer Garden.

This week we have seen moving and creative ways of expressing our deepest gratitude to all those in our world at this time who are in fact comforting the afflicted… The heroic nurses, emergency medical and health care workers, doctors, and research lab technicians who are literally sacrificing their lives for others. From members of families giving their own family member, who is a nurse or doctor, a “standing ovation” when they come home from work, or erecting eight-foot-tall letters in front of hospitals spelling out “THANK YOU!” or, tenants opening the windows of their apartment buildings applauding hospital staff as they walk by at the end of their shifts… Know that you are very much appreciated and loved. On behalf of our parish, may I express our deepest gratitude to you all who are medical and health care professionals and all those who are caring for the sick. Know of our prayers and support for each one of you!

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Deacon Peter (who has shared each Friday his reflections on the Gospel of the day with the students of the Academy in their on-line learning), to Tom Stalzer and John Hickey, Jr. for their unseen dedication and faithfulness in posting Parish announcements, events, updates, and my letter to you each week on Flock notes, the parish Facebook page and the parish website. I would also like to thank, Sal Laurenzano and Chris Russo, co-chairs of the Home Academy Association. Through The Tablet newspaper subscription initiative, their encouragement and efforts with the parents of the students, helped secure a tablet device for all Sacred Heart Academy students which is now bearing great fruit and success with their on-line learning.

During this very strange and mysterious Holy Week this year, as we enter into the Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, in this unique way, we will once again witness through the Gospel stories, the Blessed Mother standing at the foot of the Cross under her dying Son, offering Him comfort by her silent, loving presence. Through her intercession, may you experience in your own suffering, our Lord’s healing and mercy this Holy Week and always. May we ALL be “comforters of the afflicted” and of one another in our own way.

With love and blessings, and deepest gratitude for your continued generosity and support of Sacred Heart Parish.

Fr. Fred

Message from Father Fred (3/27/2020)

Dearest Parishioners,

Along with Fr. Fullum and Deacon Peter, I send out heartfelt greetings to you all from Sacred Heart Rectory (or should I call it Sacred Heart Bunker)! Fr. Fullum is slowly and steadily improving… He told me today his cough is better, and his fever is lower (98/99). I am feeling well, except for some congestion due to allergies. I have been asymptomatic so far, as today is our 9th day of quarantine out of 14! Greetings as well to all parishioners from the Sisters of our Convent!

It is now Friday, March 27th and I just finished watching the Holy Father’s “Moment of Prayer and Urbi et Orbi (To the City and To the World) Blessing.”

As I write to you, I am overcome with emotion and gratitude to the Lord Jesus for the gift of the Catholic Church and the presence of His Vicar (Representative) on earth, Pope Francis, and for you all, who are Sacred Heart Parish. What a BEAUTIFUL experience of prayer, healing, and hope it was. I will never forget the image on T.V. of watching him speak this afternoon to an EMPTY, dark, rainy, torch lit Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican, which usually holds thousands of people on a daily basis. I can still hear the ancient Latin chant for Lent, that was sung after his address, “Parce Domine, parce populo tuo…” (Spare O Lord, spare your people…) begging our Lord for mercy and protection upon us all. I am still reflecting on the Pope’s inspiring, encouraging, and challenging words to “allow the Lord Jesus into our boat during this storm” that is raging in our lives and world, and to hear the Lord’s words of comfort and power, “Do not be afraid!” I can still feel the blessing the Pope gave with the Holy Eucharist in the Monstrance, reminding us that Jesus said, “I am with you always!”

When Pope Francis was finished, I looked out my window, which overlooks the front of our beautiful little Church. I was reminded that the sidewalk and street were also EMPTY. I was picturing all of you gathered after each Mass on Sundays in front of the Church greeting each other, catching up, and preparing to go home filled with the joy of being, “Sent forth!” with God’s Word and Presence. At that point, the Church bells began to ring at 3:00 p.m. How comforting and assuring it was to hear them ring, proclaiming to all Glendale that Jesus is still here and so are YOU!

I have been informed by Ms. Gangi, the Principal and Mr. Fred Haller, Chairman of the Board of Directors, that Sacred Heart Academy is very active online, and the teachers and students are engaged daily on virtual classrooms! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Gangi and the wonderful teachers of Sacred Heart Academy for their continued dedication to our students as they teach from home. In addition, I would like to acknowledge and thank Mr. Chuck Suffel and Mr. Peter Stamm, Jr. (our 8th grade teacher) for all the work they did implementing the technology, coaching, and preparing needed for the teachers to do their work teaching our students online. A word of gratitude to the parents of our Academy students, who support our school and make sure their child is continuing to learn from home!

May God continue to Bless and protect you all! So looking forward to seeing you again, and thank you for your continued support and generosity!

Love and Blessings,
Fr. Fred

P.S. Please find a link to a beautiful religious song called “Beyond the Days”. It has brought me great comfort and I hope that it will do the same for you.

Message from Father Fred (3/21/2020)

Dearest Parishioners,

On behalf of Father Fullum, Deacon Peter and myself Father Fred, I would like to extend to you all a Blessed Fourth Sunday of Lent! Even though we are not together, please know of our thoughts of and prayers for each one of you.

We miss you all so much! Along with you, we are saddened by the reality of not having Holy Mass or the Sacraments or being together during this temporary period.

We encourage you to please offer The Spiritual Communion Prayer (found at the end of this message) in place of receiving The Holy Eucharist as you watch the Holy Mass on t.v. (NET-TV on Spectrum channel 97, Optimum-Channel 30, and FIOS-Channel 48 or EWTN on Spectrum channel 460) or on the Diocese of Brooklyn website,, on weekdays and Sundays. The Masses can be seen on NET-TV (Spectrum-Channel 97, Optimum-Channel 30, and FIOS-Channel 48) .Also, in place of The Sacrament of Confession during this time, after an examination of conscience pray a sincere Act of Contrition (also found at the end of this message), with a promise to go to Confession as soon as it is possible.

As you have heard, as of yesterday (Friday 3/20), Father Fullum is one of two priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn that have tested positive for the coronavirus so far. He is doing well. He has a low grade fever and is isolated in his room at the rectory. He has a small appetite and is in good spirits. I also have been isolated in my room and am able only to go to the kitchen to get him and me food. I am feeling well, and I do not have any symptoms. I, however, in contrast to Father Fullum, have a LARGE appetite! Thank you so much to each one of you who have called and sent messages asking for our well being and for your offers to help in so many small and great ways! You are truly a gift from our Lord to us! Let us strive to be a gift to one another.

May Almighty God bless you + the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! With love, Father Fred

The Spiritual Communion Prayer
My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. Amen.

Act of Contrition
O My God I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pain of hell but mostly because they offend You, my God, Who are deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Your grace to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

Corona Virus Update March 16

Coronavirus update March 16

Passing of Father Joseph Gancila

We regret to inform you of the death of Father Joseph Gancila. He was a much loved priest in our parish.
A vigil mass will take place at Our Lady of Guadalupe on Wednesday, 1/8/2020 at 7:30 pm. The funeral mass will be held Thursday, 1/9/2020 at 11:00 am, also at Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church
7201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11228

There is no public viewing.

Father Joe’s Obituary

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